About Us

realtimeonline.in is a website that helps connect people with great jobs and study aborad tips. It’s a free resource for job seekers and students who wanted to study abroad.

The website has a variety of features, including a blog section. The blog section features articles about the job market, resume tips, career advice, and more.

Whether you’re looking for your first job or your next one, realtimeonline.in can help you find the perfect match. Check out the blog section for the latest news and information about the job market.

Completely we share with you the job news that comes online. 90% of our job source is online or it can be from any of the companies or individuals who contact us directly

Therefore, when applying for a job, apply for a job after getting to know the employer or individual. We are not responsible if you are cheated or lose money in any way.


If you have any queries regarding this website please get in touch with Us at hello@realtimeonline.in